
You want to create a wishlist or gift registry

How much does it cost?

Our service is 100% free. Wishlists are free of charge to create and gifts can be purchased by your relatives at the same price as if they weren't coming from your lists. We only earn money through advertising or with partnerships we have with some web stores.

Which gifts can I add to my lists?

Unlike other wishlists that limit your choice to a few selected stores, you have total freedom to add any gift you like to your lists!

You can also add a link to any store where your gift can be purchased at the best price! Your relatives are also free to get your presents wherever they want.

How can I add gifts to my wishlists?

Wishlists are managed from your personal account. To add gifts, you have two options:

  • Install our browser extension (see below). Then, when browsing the web, you will be able to add gifts to your wishlists in one click, without interrupting your browsing session!

  • Click the 'Add gift' button on your wishlist's management window. You just have to provide a name, but can also add a description, a photo, a price and also a link where your relatives can purchase or get more information about the gift.

How are gifts shipped to me?

You can enter your address on your account so that your relatives send the gifts to your home, or you can ask them to give you presents directly during an event.

How can I know when gifts are offered on my wishlists?

When they offer a present, your relatives fill their name and email address as well as an optional message. The gift will then be shown as 'offered' on your wishlist and you will receive an email notification.

What if I want to keep the surprise?

If you prefer keeping the surprise of what gifts are offered and by who, you can disable the email notifications for a specific wishlist.

You want to offer a present on a wishlist

How can I find a relative's wishlist?

Go to our wishlist search engine and enter your search criteria there.

Wishlists can be found by owner's last/first name or by list reference (case sensitive).

How can I offer a present on someone's wishlist?

Choose the gift you want to offer among the available gifts and click on 'Offer' to confirm your reservation. The gift will then be shown as 'Offered' (this will prevent others to offer the same gift as you).

Then, it's up to you to buy the gift in the shop of your choice and ship it or give it directly to the list owner.

Do I have to create an account to make a gift on someone's wishlist?

No, accessing wishlists does not require an account. The only information you will have to provide when offering a gift are your name and your email address.

Do you still have questions?

Can't find the information you are looking for? Contact us.

Invite your friends

You never know what to offer to your friends or family members? Let them discover our wishlists!

Have you decided yet?

Try our wishlists, they're useful, easy and free!

Create your wishlist